
The Norton Anthology of Poetry:

Geoffrey Chaucer

  1. The Canterbury Tales

  2. The Wife of Bath

  3. Troilus and Criseide

  4. Cantus Troili

  5. To Rosamond

  6. Truth

  7. Complaint to his Purse

  8. To his scribe Adam

Anonymous lyrics of the fifteenth century

  1. Adam Lay I-bounden

  2. I Sing of a Maiden

  3. Out of your sleep arise and wake

  4. I Have a Young Sister

  5. I Have A Gentle Cock

  6. Timor Mortis

  7. The Corpus Christi Carol

  8. Western Wind

  9. A Carol of Agincourt

  10. The Sacrament of The Altar

  11. See! Here, my Heart

William Dunbar

  1. Lament for the Makaris

  2. Done Is a Battle

John Skelton

  1. Mannerly Margery Milk and Ale

  2. To Mistress Margaret Hussey

  3. From Collin Clout

  4. Philip Sparow

Early Modern Ballads

  1. The Douglas Tragedy

  2. Lord Randal

  3. The Three Ravens

  4. The Twa Corbies

  5. Sir Patrick Spens

  6. The Unquiet Grave

  7. The Wife of Usher’s Well

  8. Bonny Barbara Allan

  9. Mary Hamilton

  10. Get Up and Bar the Door

  11. The Bitter Withy

  12. The Knight and Shephard’s Daughter

Anonymous Elizabethan and Jacobean Poems

  1. Love Me Little, Love Me Long

  2. Fine Knacks for Ladies

  3. To His Love

  4. Weep You No More, Sad Fountains

  5. There Is A Lady Sweet and Kind

  6. The Silver Swan

  7. A Song Bewailing the Time of Christimas, So Much Decayed in England

  8. Tom o’ Bedlam’s Song

Thomas Wyatt

  1. The Long Love, That in My Thought doth Harbour

  2. Whoso List to Hunt

  3. My Galley

  4. They Flee from Me

  5. Patience, Thought I Have Not

  6. My Lute Awake!

  7. Is It Possible

  8. Forget Not Yet

  9. Blame Not My Lute

  10. What Should I Say

  11. Lucks, My Fair Falcon

  12. Stand Whoso List

  13. Mine Own John Points

Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (ca 1517-1547)

  1. The Soote Season

  2. Love, That Doth Reign and Live within My Thought

  3. Wyatt Resteth Here

  4. So Cruel Prison

Anne Askew (1521-1546)

  1. The Ballad Which Anne Askew Made and Sang When She Was in Newgate

Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

  1. When I Was Fair and Young

  2. The Doubt of Future Foes Exiles My Present Joy

  3. Ah Silly Pug, Wert Thou So Sore Afraid

George Gascoigne (ca. 1534-1577)

  1. And If I did, What Then?

  2. For That He Looked Not Upon Her

  3. Gascoigne’s Lullaby

Isabella Whitney

  1. A Sweet Nosegay

  2. A Communication Which the Author Had to London, before She Made Her Will

  3. The Manner of Her Will

  4. All Those In It, at Her Departing

Chidiock Thickborne (d. 1586)

  1. My Prime of Youth is but a Frost of Cares

Sir Walter Raleigh

  1. A Vision upon the Fairy Queen

  2. The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd

  3. The Passionate Man’s Pilgrimage

  4. The Lie

  5. Nature, That Washed Her Hands in Milk

  6. If Cynthia Be a Queen, a Princess and Supreme

  7. Fortune Hath Taken Thee Away, My Love

Edmund Spenser

  1. The Sheaperd’s Calendar

  2. April

  3. The Faerie Queene

  4. Amoretti

    1. Happy ye leaves when as those lilly hands

    2. More than most faire, full of the living fire

    3. Ye tradefull Merchants that with weary toyle

    4. Penelope for her Ulisses’ Sake

    5. Of this world’s Theatre in which we Stay

    6. Lyke as a huntsman after weary chase

    7. Most glorious Lord of lyfe that on this day

    8. Fresh spring the herald of love’s mighty king

    9. I joy to see how in your drawen work

    10. One day I wrote her name upon the strand

    11. Men call you fayre, and you do credit it

    12. Fayre is my love when her fayre golden heares

    13. Lyke as the culver on the bared bough

    14. Epithalmion

Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke (1554-1606)

  1. Cupid and my Campaspe

  2. Oh, For a Bowl of Fat Canary

Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586)

  1. Ye Goatherd Gods

  2. What Length of Verse?

  3. The Nightingale

  4. Ring Out Your Bells

Astrophil and Stella

  1. Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show

  2. Alas, have I not pain enough, my friend?

  3. Your words my friend (right healthful caustics) blame

  4. The wisest scholar of the wight most wise

  5. With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies

  6. Come sleep, Oh Sleep, the certain knot of peace

  7. What, have I thus betrayed my liberty?

  8. Soul's joy, bend not those morning stars from me

  9. A Strife is grown between Virtue and Love

  10. O Grammar rules, o how your virtue show

  11. Who will in fairest book of Nature know

  12. Desire, though thou my old companion art

  13. Fourth song (Only joy, now here you are?)

  14. Seventh song (Whose senses in so evil consort, their stepdame Nature lays

  15. Stella, think not that I by verse seek fame

  16. Stella, since though so right a princess art

GEORGE PEELE (1557-1596)

  1. His Golden Locks Time Hath to Silver Turned

  2. Hot Sun, Cool Fire

THOMAS LODGE (1558-1625)

  1. Rosalind's Madrigal

ROBERT SOUTHWELL (c. 1561-1595)

  1. The Burning Babe

  2. New Heaven, New War

MARY SIDNEY (1561-1621)

  1. Psalm 58: Si Vere Utique

  2. Psalm 114: In Exitu Israel

  3. To The Thrice-Sacred Queen Elizabeth

SAMUEL DANIEL (1563-1619)

  1. DELIA

    1. Unto the boundless Ocean of thy beauty

    2. Go wailing verse, the infants of my love

    3. Fair is my love, and cruel as she's fair

    4. But love whilst that thou mayst be loved again

    5. When men shall find thy flower, thy glory pass

    6. Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night

    7. Let others sing of knights and paladins

    8. Unhappy pen and ill accepted papers

  2. Ulysses and the Siren

  3. Are They Shadows


  1. A Roundelay between Two Shepherds

  2. To the Reader of these Sonnets

  3. How many paltry, foolish, painted things

  4. If he from heaven that filched that living fire

  5. Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part


  1. Hero and Leander

  2. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love


  1. (Sonnet 1) From fairest creatures we desire increase

  2. (Sonnet 2)When forty winters shall besiege thy brow

  3. (Sonnet 3) Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest

  4. (Sonnet 12) When I do count the clock that tells the time

  5. (Sonnet 15) When I consider everything that grows

  6. (Sonnet 18) Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

  7. (Sonnet 20) A woman's face, with nature's own hand painted

  8. (Sonnet 29) When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes

  9. (Sonnet 30) When to the sessions of sweet silent thought

  10. (Sonnet 33) Full many a glorious morning have I seen

  11. (Sonnet 55) Not marble, nor the gilded monuments(Sonnet 60) Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore

  12. (Sonnet 65) Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea

  13. (Sonnet 71) No longer mourn for me when I am dead

  14. (Sonnet 73) That time of year thou mayst in me behold

  15. (Sonnet 76) Why is my verse so barren of new pride?

  16. (Sonnet 87) Farewell, thou art too dear for my possessing

  17. (Sonnet 94) They that have power to hurt and do none

  18. (Sonnet 97) How like a winter hath my absence been

  19. (Sonnet 106) When in the chronicle of wasted time

  20. (Sonnet 107) Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul

  21. (Sonnet 116)Let me not to the marriage of true minds

  22. (Sonnet 126) O thou, my lovely boy, who in thy power

  23. (Sonnet 129) Th’expense of spirit in a waste of shame

  24. (Sonnet 130) My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun

  25. (Sonnet 135) Whoever hath her wish, thou hast thy will

  26. (Sonnet 138) When my love swears that she is made of truth

  27. (Sonnet 144) Two loves I have of comfort and despair

  28. (Sonnet 146) Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earthSONGS FROM THE PLAYS

  29. The Phoenix and the Turtle


    1. When Daisies Pied

    2. Under the Greenwood Tree

    3. Blow, blow thou winter wind

    4. It Was a Lover and His Lass

    5. Sigh no more

    6. O mistress mine

    7. Come Away, Come Away, Death

    8. When That I was and a Little Tiny Boy

    9. Fear No More the Heat o’ the Sun

    10. Full Fathom Five

    11. Where the Bee Sucks, There Sucks I


  1. My Sweetest Lesbia

  2. I Care Not for These Ladies

  3. Follow Thy Fair Sun

  4. When to Her Lute Corinna Sings

  5. When Thou Must Home

  6. Rose-cheeked Laura

  7. Now Winter Nights Enlarge

  8. There Is a Garden in Her Face


  1. Summer's Last Will

    1. Spring, the Sweet Spring

    2. Adieu, Farewell, Earth's Bliss


  1. From Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum

  2. The Description of Cooke-ham


  1. The Good-Morrow

  2. Song ("Go and catch a falling star")

  3. Woman's Constancy

  4. The Apparition

  5. The Sun Rising

  6. The Canonization

  7. Song ("Sweetest love, I do not go")

  8. The Anniversary

  9. Love's Growth

  10. A Valediction of Weeping

  11. A Valediction of the Book

  12. Love's Alchemy

  13. A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy's Day, Being the Shortest Day

  14. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning

  15. The Ecstasy

  16. The Funeral

  17. The Flea

  18. The Relic

  19. Elegy VII

  20. Elegy XIX. To His Mistress Going to Bed

  21. Satire III

  22. Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward

  23. Holy Sonnets

    1. Thou hast made me, and shall thy work decay?

    2. I am a little world made cunningly

    3. At the round earth's imagined corners

    4. If poisonous minerals, and if that tree

    5. Death, be not proud, though some have called thee

    6. Batter my heart, three-personed God; for You

    7. Show me, dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear

  24. A Hymn to God the Father

  25. Hymn to God My God, in My Sickness


  1. To the Reader

  2. On My First Daughter

  3. On My First Son

  4. On Spies

  5. To Fool or Nave

  6. To Sir Henry Cary

  7. To Sir Henry Wotton

  8. On Playwright

  9. To Elizabeth, Countess of Rutland

  10. On English Monster

  11. To John Donne

  12. Inviting a Friend to Supper

  13. Epitaph on Elizabeth, L. H.

  14. To Penshurst

  15. Song: to Celia (I)

  16. Song: to Celia (II)

  17. A Fit of Rhyme against Rhyme

  18. A Hymn to the God the Father

  19. Her Triumph

  20. An Elegy

  21. Ode to Himself

  22. To the Immortal Memory and Friendship of That Noble Pair, Sir Lucius Cary and Sir Henry Morison

  23. Still to Be Neat

  24. Though I Am Young and Cannot Tell

  25. To the Memory of My Beloved, the Author Mr. William Shakespeare

  26. A Sonnet to the Noble Lady, the Lady Mary Wroth

  27. Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount


  1. Take, Oh, Take Those Lips Away


  1. Sonnet of Black Beauty

  2. Another Sonnet to Black Itself


  1. Pamphilia to Amphilanthus


  1. The Argument of His Book

  2. The Vine

  3. To the Sour Reader

  4. Delight in Disorder

  5. Corinna's Going a-Maying

  6. To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time

  7. Upon Julia's Breasts

  8. Upon a Child That Died

  9. His Prayer to Ben Jonson

  10. Upon Julia's Clothes

  11. The Night Piece, to Julia

  12. Upon His Departure Hence

  13. Upon Ben Jonson

  14. Upon Prees, His Maid

  15. An Ode for Him

  16. The Pillar of Fame

  17. Neutrality Loathsome

  18. To His Conscience

  19. To Find God

  20. The White Island, or Place of the Blest


  1. An Exequy to His Matchless, Never-to-Be-Forgotten Friend

  2. The Boy's Answer to the Blackmoor


  1. The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations

  2. Redemption

  3. Easter Wings

  4. Sin (I)

  5. Affliction (I)

  6. Prayer

  7. The Temper

  8. Jordan

  9. Denial

  10. Vanity

  11. Virtue

  12. Man

  13. Life

  14. Artillery

  15. The Collar

  16. The Pulley

  17. The Flower

  18. Discipline

  19. The Forerunners

  20. Death

  21. The Elixir

  22. Love


  1. A Song

  2. The Spring

  3. Mediocrity in Love Rejected

  4. Song: To my inconstant Mistress

  5. An Elegy Upon the Death of the Dean of Paul's, Dr. John Donne


  1. Ajax

  2. The Glories of our Blood and State


  1. Go, lovely rose!

  2. Of the Last Verses in the Book


  1. On the Morning of Christ's Nativity

  2. On Shakespeare

  3. L'Allegro

  4. Il Penseroso

  5. Lycidas

  6. How Soon Hath Time

  7. Comus

  8. Song

  9. Sonnet

  10. To the Lord General Cromwell

  11. When I Consider How My Light Is Spent

  12. On the Late Massacre in Piedmont

  13. Cyriack, Whose Grandsire

  14. Methought I Saw

  15. Paradise Lost

    1. Book I (The Invocation)

    2. Book I (Lines 1–113)

    3. Book IX

    4. From Samson Agonistes

Sir John Suckling

  1. Song ("Why so pale and wan, fond lover?")

  2. Song ("If thou ask me, why I send no writ?")

  3. Upon My Lady Carlisle’s Walking in Hampton Court Garden

  4. A Ballad upon a Wedding

  5. Out upon it

Anne Bradstreet

  1. In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth

  2. The Prologue

  3. Before the Birth of One of Her Children

  4. To My Dear and Loving Husband

  5. A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public Employment

  6. Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666

Richard Crashaw

  1. On the Baptized Ethiopian

  2. Upon the Infant Martyrs

  3. To the Name above Every Name, the Name of Jesus

  4. The Flaming Heart

  5. The Tear

Abraham Cowley

  1. The Wish

Richard Lovelace

  1. To Althea, from Prison

  2. To Lucasta, Going to the Wars

  3. To Amarantha, That She Would Dishevel Her Hair

  4. The Grasshopper

Andrew Marvell

  1. The Coronet

  2. Bermudas

  3. A Dialogue between the Soul and Body

  4. To His Coy Mistress

  5. The Fair Singer

  6. The Definition of Love

  7. The Picture of Little T.C. in a Prospect of Flowers

  8. The Mower against Gardens

  9. The Mower to the Glowworms

  10. The Garden

  11. An Horatian Ode

Henry Vaughan

  1. Regeneration

  2. The Retreat

  3. The World

  4. They are all gone into the World of Light!

  5. The Waterfall

  6. The Night

Margaret Cavendish

  1. An Ode for Writing this Volume of this Book

  2. The Sea Simulized to Meadows and Pastures: The Mariners, to Shepherds

  3. Beasts, to the Mast, to a May-pole: the Fish, to Sheep

  4. Of Many Worlds in This World

John Dryden

  1. Song from The Indian Emperor

  2. Song from Troilus and Cressida: A Secular Masque

  3. From Absalom and Achitophel: A Poem

  4. Mac Flecknoe

  5. To the Memory of Mr. Oldham

  6. A Song for St. Cecilia's Day

Katherine Philips

  1. Epitaph

  2. To Mrs. M. A. at Parting

  3. On the Welch Language

  4. To My Excellent Lucasia, on Our Friendship

Thomas Traherne

  1. Wonder

  2. The Salutation

  3. To the Same Purpose

  4. Shadows in the Water

Edward Taylor

  1. Meditation 8 (First Series)

  2. Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children

  3. Upon a Spider Catching a Fly

  4. Housewifery


  1. Song ("Love Armed")

  2. The Disappointment

  3. Song ("On Her Loving Two Equally")

  4. On the Death of the Late Earl of Rochester

  5. To the Fair Clarinda, Who Made Love to Me, Imagined More Than Woman

  6. A Thousand Martyrs


  1. The Disabled Debauchee

  2. The Imperfect Enjoyment

  3. The Mock Song

  4. A Song of a Young Lady to Her Ancient Lover


  1. Alexaucis


  1. The Introduction

  2. The Spleen

  3. Adam Posed

  4. To Death

  5. A Nocturnal Reverie

  6. Friendship between Ephelia and Ardelia

  7. The Answer (To Pope’s Impromptu)

  8. On Myself


  1. A Fable

  2. To Lady She Fie Refusing to Continue a Dispute with Me, and Leaving Me in the Argument

  3. An Ode ("The merchant, to secure his treasure")


  1. A Description of a Morning

  2. A Description of the Shower

  3. Stella’s Birthday

  4. The Lady’s Dressing Room

  5. A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed

  6. Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, D.S.P.D.


  1. The Day of Judgment

  2. A Prospect of Heaven Makes Death Easy

  3. Our God, Our Help

  4. Psalm 58

  5. Psalm 114

John Gay

  1. Songs from The Beggar's Opera

  2. Air X—"Thomas, I Cannot"

  3. Air XV—"A Soldier and a Sailor"

  4. Air XXV—"Over the Hills, and Far Away"

  5. Air XLVI—"Cease Your Funning"

  6. Air LIII—"The Miser Thus a Shilling Sees"

  7. Air LXVIII—"Green Sleeves"

Alexander Pope

  1. An Essay on Criticism

  2. The Rape of the Lock

  3. Epistle to Miss Blount

  4. An Essay on Man, in Four Epistles

  5. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot

  6. The Universal Prayer

  7. Impromptu to Lady Winchelsea

  8. The Dunciad

  9. The Triumph of Dulness

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

  1. Saturday (The Smallpox)

  2. The Lover: A Ballad

  3. A Receipt to Cure the Vapours

  4. Epistle from Mrs. Yonge to Her Husband

Matthew Green

  1. From The Spleen

James Thomson

  1. The Seasons

  2. From Winter (lines 232–258)

Charles Wesley

  1. Hymn 65 ("Love Divine, All Loves Excelling")

  2. Hymn 104 ("Lo! I Come with Joy to Do")

Samuel Johnson

  1. Prologue Spoken by Mr. Garrick

  2. The Vanity of Human Wishes

  3. On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet

Thomas Gray

  1. Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College

  2. Ode (On the Death of a Favorite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Goldfishes)

  3. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

  4. Sonnet (On the Death of Mr. Richard West)


  1. Ode Written in the Beginning of the Year 1746

  2. Ode on the Poetical Character

  3. Ode to Evening


  1. The Flowers of the Forest


  1. Jubilate Agno, lines 697–770 (For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry)

  2. From A Song to David

  3. Psalm 58

  4. Psalm 114


  1. When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly

  2. The Deserted Village


  1. Olney Hymns

  2. Light Shining out of Darkness

  3. Epitaph on a Hare

  4. The Task

  5. Book IV: The Winter Evening

  6. From Book VI: The Winter Walk at Noon

  7. The Castaway

  8. Lines Written during a Period of Insanity


  1. The Rights of Woman

  2. To the Poor

  3. Life


  1. Inspiration a Beautiful Retreat Called Fairy Bower

  2. From The Slave Trade


  1. Written in the Church Yard at Middleton in Sussex

  2. To the Shade of Burns

  3. Written near a Port on a Dark Evening

  4. Written in October

  5. Nepenthe or The Spleen

  6. Sonnets

  7. Ode to Death

  8. From Beachy Head


  1. The Indian Burying Ground

  2. To Sir Toby


  1. A Farewell to America to Mrs. S. W.

  2. On Being Brought from Africa to America

  3. To S. M., a Young African Painter, on Seeing His Works

  4. On Imagination


  1. From The Parish Register

  2. From Letter XXII, The Poor of The Borough: Peter Grimes


  1. To the Muses

  2. Song ("How sweet I roam’d from field to field")

  3. To the Evening Star

  4. Songs of Innocence

  5. Introduction ("Piping down the valleys wild")

  6. The Lamb

  7. Holy Thursday

  8. The Divine Image

  9. Songs of Experience

  10. Introduction

  11. The Little Boy Lost

  12. The Little Boy Found

  13. The Book of Thel

  14. Songs of Experience ("The voice of the Bard!")

  15. Introduction

  16. Holy Thursday

  17. The Clod & the Pebble

  18. A Poison Tree

  19. The Sick Rose

  20. The Tyger

  21. Ah Sun-flower

  22. The Garden of Love

  23. London

  24. Songs and Ballads

  25. I asked a Thief

  26. Mock on, Mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau

  27. Memory

  28. A Question Answered

  29. The Two Songs

  30. And Did Those Feet

  31. Jerusalem ("Awake! Awake! Awake!")

  32. England! Awake! Awake! Awake!


  34. To The Accuser who is The God of This World

ROBERT BURNS (1759-1796)

  1. To a Mouse

  2. oly Willie's Prayer

  3. Address to the Unco Guid, or the Rigidly Righteous

  4. Green Grow the Rashes

  5. Of A' the Airts

  6. John Anderson, My Jo

  7. Tam O'Shanter 517 Bonie Doon

  8. A Red, Red Rose

  9. O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast


  1. Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey

  2. The Ruined Cottage

  3. The Excursion

  4. Prospectus

  5. The Prelude

  6. Book I, lines 301-647 ("Fair seedtime had my soul, and I grew up")

  7. She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways

  8. Three Years She Grew

  9. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

  10. Resolution and Independence

  11. It Is a Beauteous Evening

  12. London, 1802

  13. Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802

  14. On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic

  15. Nuns Fret Not at Their Convent's Narrow Room

  16. My Heart Leaps Up

  17. Ode: Intimations of Immortality

  18. Ode to Duty

  19. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

  20. She Was a Phantom of Delight

  21. Elegiac Stanzas

  22. The World Is Too Much with Us

  23. The Solitary Reaper

  24. Surprised by Joy

  25. Mutability

  26. Scorn Not the Sonnet

  27. Extempore Effusion upon the Death of James Hogg

  28. So Fair, So Sweet, Withal So Sensitive


  1. The Aeolian Harp

  2. Kubla Khan

  3. Frost at Midnight

  4. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

  5. Dejection: An Ode

  6. Work Without Hope

  7. On Donne's Poetry

  8. Epitaph


  1. Rose Aylmer

  2. Past Ruined Ilion Helen Lives

  3. Dirce

  4. To My Child Carlino

  5. To Robert Browning

  6. Dying Speech of an Old Philosopher

  7. Death Stands Above Me, Whispering Low

  8. Death of the Day


  1. Written After Swimming from Sestos to Abydos

  2. The Destruction of Sennacherib

  3. She Walks in Beauty

  4. When We Two Parted

  5. Stanzas for Music

  6. Prometheus

  7. So We'll Go No More A-Roving

  8. Don Juan

  9. Fragment on the Back of the Ms. of Canto I

  10. Canto the First. Stanzas 1-119

  11. Stanzas (When a Man Hath No Freedom to Fight for at Home)

  12. On This Day I Complete My Thirty-sixth Year


  1. To Wordsworth

  2. Hymn to Intellectual Beauty

  3. Mont Blanc

  4. Ozymandias

  5. Stanzas Written in Dejection, Near Naples

  6. England in 1819

  7. Ode to the West Wind

  8. The Cloud

  9. To a Skylark

  10. Adonais

  11. To Night

  12. To Lines: When the Lamp Is Shattered

  13. Mutability

  14. To Jane: The Keen Stars Were Twinkling

  15. Hellas: Two Choruses

  16. Worlds on Worlds

  17. The World's Great Age

JOHN CLARE (1793-1864)

  1. Badger

  2. Gypsies

  3. Lord, Hear My Prayer

  4. Song: Love Lives Beyond the Tomb

  5. Come Hither

  6. First Love

  7. Farewell

  8. I Am


  1. To a Waterfowl

  2. To the Fringed Gentian

JOHN KEATS (1795-1821)

  1. On First Looking into Chapman's Homer

  2. On the Sea

  3. On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again

  4. When I Have Fears

  5. To Homer

  6. The Eve of St. Agnes

  7. On the Sonnet

  8. La Belle Dame sans Merci

  9. Ode to Psyche

  10. Ode to a Nightingale

  11. Ode on Melancholy

  12. Ode on a Grecian Urn

  13. To Autumn

  14. Bright Star

  15. This Living Hand


  1. Concord Hymn

  2. The Rhodora

  3. The Problem

  4. The Snowstorm

  5. Grace

  6. Hamatreya

  7. Ode (Inscribed to W. H. Channing)

  8. Blight

  9. Brahma

  10. Days


  1. Sonnets from the Portuguese

  2. ("I thought once how Theocritus had sung")

  3. ("How do I love thee? Let me count the ways")

  4. A Musical Instrument


  1. Mezzo Cammin

  2. The Fire of Driftwood

  3. The Jewish Cemetery at Newport

  4. Snowflakes

  5. Chaucer

  6. Milton 6


  1. Proem

  2. Abraham Davenport

  3. Telling the Bees


  1. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam of Naishapur


  1. The Chambered Nautilus

EDGAR ALLAN POE (1809-1849)

  1. Sonnet—To Science

  2. To Helen

  3. The City in the Sea

  4. Eldorado

  5. Annabel Lee


  1. Mariana

  2. The Kraken

  3. The Lotos-Eaters

  4. Break, Break, Break

  5. Ulysses

  6. Songs from The Princess

  7. The Splendor Falls

  8. Tears, Idle Tears

  9. Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal

  10. In Memoriam A. H. H.

  11. "I held it truth, with him who sings"

  12. "Old yew, which graspest at the stones"

  13. "Dark house, by which once more I stand"

  14. "Calm is the morn without a sound"

  15. "The Danube to the Severn gave"

  16. "Be near me when my light is low"

  17. "O, yet we trust that somehow good"

  18. "The wish, that of the living whole"

  19. " 'So careful of the type?' but no"

  20. "When on my bed the moonlight falls"

  21. "Wild bird, whose warble, liquid sweet"

  22. "By night we lingered on the lawn"

  23. "Doors, where my heart was used to beat"

  24. "Sad Hesper o'er the buried sun"

  25. "Thy voice is on the rolling air"

  26. The Eagle

  27. Tithonus

  28. To Virgil

  29. Frater Ave Atque Vale

  30. Crossing the Bar


  1. My Last Duchess

  2. Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister

  3. Home-Thoughts, From Abroad

  4. The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church

  5. Fra Lippo Lippi

  6. A Toccata of Galuppi's

  7. "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came"

  8. Memorabilia

  9. Andrea del Sarto

  10. Two in the Campagna

  11. Caliban upon Setebos

EDWARD LEAR (1812-1888)

  1. There Was an Old Man with a Beard

  2. There Was an Old Man in a Tree

  3. There Was an Old Man Who Supposed

  4. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat

  5. How Pleasant to Know Mr. Lear


  1. I Am a Parcel of Vain Strivings Tied

  2. Haze

  3. Smoke

  4. Love Equals Swift and Slow

  5. Low-Anchored Cloud

EMILY BRONTE (1818-1848)

  1. [Long Neglect Has Worn Away]

  2. Hope

  3. Remembrance

  4. The Prisoner

  5. No Coward Soul Is Mine


  1. The Portent

  2. The March into Virginia

  3. Shiloh

  4. The Berg

  5. The Maldive Shark

  6. Fragments of a Lost Gnostic Poem of the Twelfth Century

  7. Greek Architecture

WALT WHITMAN (1819-1892)

  1. Song of Myself

  2. "I celebrate myself, and sing myself"

  3. "A child said What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands"

  4. "Twenty-eight young men bathe by the shore"

  5. "Walt Whitman, a kosmos, of Manhattan the son"

  6. "The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me"

  7. When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer

  8. Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

  9. I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing

  10. Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night

  11. Beat! Beat! Drums!

  12. By the Bivouac's Fitful Flame

  13. Cavalry Crossing a Ford

  14. The World Below the Brine

  15. Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking

  16. On the Beach at Night

  17. Patroling Barnegat

  18. The Dalliance of the Eagles

  19. Reconciliation

  20. When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd

  21. A Noiseless Patient Spider

  22. To a Locomotive in Winter

  23. The Dismantled Ship


  1. Sonnets, First Series, 1854-1860

  2. "An upper chamber in a darkened house"

  3. "Not the round natural world, not the deep mind"

MATTHEW ARNOLD (1822-1888)

  1. Shakespeare

  2. To Marguerite

  3. The Scholar-Gypsy

  4. Thyrsis

  5. Dover Beach


  1. The Blessed Damozel

  2. Sudden Light

  3. The Woodspurge

  4. The House of Life

  5. A Sonnet

  6. Silent Noon

  7. The Hill Summit

  8. Barren Spring

  9. Lost on Both Sides

  10. A Superscription


  1. Modern Love

  2. "By this he knew she wept with waking eyes"

  3. "At dinner, she is hostess, I am host"

  4. "What are we first? First, animals; and next"

  5. "Their sense is with their senses all mixed in"

  6. "He found her by the ocean's moaning verge"

  7. "Thus piteously Love closed what he begat"

  8. Lucifer in Starlight

  9. Winter Heavens


  1. "I never lost as much but twice"

  2. "'Faith' is a fine invention"

  3. "I taste a liquor never brewed"

  4. "Safe in their Alabaster Chambers" (1859)

  5. "Safe in their Alabaster Chambers" (1861)

  6. "I like a look of Agony"

  7. "Wild Nights - Wild Nights!"

  8. "There's a certain Slant of light"

  9. "I felt a Funeral, in my Brain"

  10. "A Clock stopped"

  11. "The Soul selects her own Society"

  12. "The difference between Despair"

  13. "A Bird came down the Walk"

  14. "After great pain, a formal feeling comes"

  15. "Much Madness is divinest Sense"

  16. "I died for Beauty—but was scarce"

  17. "I heard a Fly buzz—when I died"

  18. "It was not Death, for I stood up"

  19. "Mine—by the Right of the White Election!"

  20. "The Heart asks Pleasure—first"

  21. "I cannot live with You"

  22. "Publication—is the Auction"

  23. "Because I could not stop for Death"

  24. "Remorse—is Memory—awake"

  25. "My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun"

  26. "A narrow Fellow in the Grass"

  27. "Further in Summer than the Birds"

  28. "The Bustle in a House"

  29. "Tell all the Truth but tell it slant"

  30. "A Route of Evanescence"

  31. "The Bible is an antique Volume"

  32. "Those—dying then"

  33. "Apparently with no surprise"


  1. Song ("When I am dead, my dearest")

  2. Remember

  3. Echo

  4. In an Artist's Studio

  5. Up-Hill

  6. The Convent Threshold

  7. Passing Away, Saith the World, Passing Away

  8. Amor Mundi


  1. Fury Said to a Mouse

  2. Jabberwocky

  3. The White Knight's Song

WILLIAM MORRIS (1834-1896)

  1. The Haystack in the Floods

  2. The Earthly Paradise

W. S. GILBERT (1836-1911)

  1. I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General

  2. When You're Lying Awake with a Dismal Headache

  3. Titwillow


  1. Choruses from Atalanta in Calydon

  2. When the Hounds of Spring Are on Winter's Traces

  3. Before the Beginning of Years

  4. The Garden of Proserpine

  5. The Sundew

  6. A Forsaken Garden

THOMAS HARDY (1840-1928)

  1. Hap

  2. Thoughts of Phena

  3. I Look into My Glass

  4. Drummer Hodge

  5. A Broken Appointment

  6. The Darkling Thrush

  7. The Ruined Maid

  8. In Tenebris

  9. The Convergence of the Twain

  10. Channel Firing

  11. The Voice

  12. In Time of "The Breaking of Nations"

  13. Afterwards

  14. Jezreel

  15. The Children and Sir Nameless

  16. No Buyers

82. The Alchemist in the City

  1. The Habit of Perfection

  2. God's Grandeur

  3. The Windhover

  4. Pied Beauty

  5. Binsey Poplars

  6. Felix Randal

  7. Spring and Fall

  8. Inversnaid

  9. [As Kingfishers Catch Fire, Dragonflies Draw Flame]

  10. [Carrion Comfort]

  11. [No Worst, There Is None. Pitched Past Pitch of Grief]

  12. [I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, Not Day]

  13. [My Own Heart Let Me More Have Pity On]

  14. That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the comfort of the Resurrection

  15. [Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord . . .]

A. E. HOUSMAN (1859-1936)

  1. Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now

  2. Reveille

  3. When I Watch the Living Meet

  4. To an Athlete Dying Young

  5. Is My Team Plowing

  6. On Wenlock Edge the Wood's in Trouble

  7. From Far, from Eve and Morning

  8. With Rue My Heart Is Laden

  9. 'Terence, This Is Stupid Stuff . . .'

  10. Eight O'clock

  11. Revolution

  12. Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall

  13. Crossing Alone the Nighted Ferry

  14. Here Dead Lie We Because We Did Not Choose


  1. Tommy

  2. The Widow at Windsor

  3. Recessional

  4. Epitaphs of the War


  1. . The Stolen Child

  2. The Lake Isle of Innisfree

  3. When You Are Old

  4. The Man Who Dreamed of Faeryland

  5. The Cap and Bells

  6. Adam's Curse

  7. The Wild Swans at Coole

  8. An Irish Airman Foresees His Death

  9. The Scholars

  10. Easter 1916

  11. The Second Coming

  12. A Prayer for My Daughter

  13. To Be Carved on a Stone at Thoor Ballylee

  14. Sailing to Byzantium

  15. Two Songs from a Play

  16. Leda and the Swan

  17. Among School Children

  18. Byzantium

  19. Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop

  20. Lapis Lazuli

  21. Long-Legged Fly

  22. John Kinsella's Lament for Mrs. Mary Moore

  23. The Circus Animals' Desertion

  24. Under Ben Bulben

ERNEST DOWSON (1867-1900)

  1. Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam

  2. Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynarae


  1. George Crabbe

  2. Richard Cory

  3. Reuben Bright

  4. Miniver Cheevy

  5. Eros Turannos

  6. The Mill

  7. Mr. Flood's Party

  8. New England


  1. We Wear the Mask

  2. Little Brown Baby

WALTER DE LA MARE (1873-1956)

  1. The Keys of Morning

  2. The Listeners

  3. Goodbye

  4. Away

ROBERT FROST (1874-1963)

  1. Mending Wall

  2. The Death of the Hired Man

  3. The Wood-Pile

  4. The Road Not Taken

  5. The Oven Bird

  6. Birches

  7. Range-Finding

  8. The Hill Wife

  9. The Aim Was Song

  10. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

  11. To Earthward

  12. Spring Pools

  13. West-running Brook

  14. Neither Out Far Nor In Deep

  15. Design

  16. Provide, Provide

  17. Come In

  18. Never Again Would Birds' Song Be the Same

  19. The Most of It

  20. The Gift Outright

  21. Directive

CARL SANDBURG (1878-1967)

  1. Chicago

  2. Grass

EDWARD THOMAS (1878-1917)

  1. The Owl

  2. Melancholy

  3. The Dark Forest

  4. Good-Night

  5. The Gypsy


  1. The Snow Man

  2. The Emperor of Ice-Cream

  3. Sunday Morning

  4. Anecdote of the Jar

  5. To the One of Fictive Music

  6. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

  7. The Idea of Order at Key West

  8. The Poems of Our Climate

  9. The House Was Quiet and the World Was Calm

  10. Continual Conversation with a Silent Man

  11. Table Talk

  12. A Room on a Garden

E. J. PRATT (1883-1964)

  1. Come Not the Seasons Here

  2. From Stone to Steel

  3. The Truant


  1. Gulls

  2. The Young Housewife

  3. Danse Russe

  4. To Waken An Old Lady

  5. The Red Wheelbarrow

  6. Queen-Ann's-Lace

  7. This Is Just to Say

  8. The Bull

  9. Poem

  10. The Yachts

  11. The Poor

  12. These

  13. A Sort of a Song

  14. The Dance

  15. The Ivy Crown

D. H. LAWRENCE (1885-1930)

  1. Baby Running Barefoot

  2. Piano

  3. Snake

  4. Elemental

  5. Self-Protection

  6. Trees in the Garden

  7. The English Are So Nice!

  8. Andraitx—Pomegranate Flowers

  9. Bavarian Gentians

  10. The Ship of Death

EZRA POUND (1885-1972)

  1. Portrait d'une Femme

  2. The Seafarer

  3. The Garden

  4. The Study in Aesthetics

  5. Ts'ai Chi'h

  6. In a Station of the Metro

  7. The River-Merchant's Wife: a Letter

  8. Hugh Selwyn Mauberley: Life and Contacts

  9. Mauberley 1920

  10. The Cantos

  11. "And then went down to the ship"

H. D. (HILDA DOOLITTLE) (1886-1961)

  1. Sea Rose

  2. Sea Violet

  3. Helen

  4. Wine Bowl


  1. Shine, Perishing Republic

  2. Boats in a Fog

  3. To the Stone-Cutters

  4. Hurt Hawks

  5. The Purse-Seine

  6. Carmel Point

  7. Vulture

  8. Birds and Fishes

MARIANNE MOORE (1887-1972)

  1. Poetry

  2. No Swan So Fine

  3. The Steeple-Jack

  4. Peter

EDWIN MUIR (1887-1959)

  1. Childhood

  2. The Return of the Greeks

  3. The Animals

  4. The Horses

  5. The Brothers

T. S. ELIOT (1888-1965)

  1. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

  2. Preludes

  3. Whispers of Immortality

  4. Sweeney Among the Nightingales

  5. The Waste Land

  6. Journey of the Magi

  7. Four Quartets

  8. The Dry Salvages


  1. Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter

  2. Dead Boy

  3. Piazza Piece

  4. Janet Waking

  5. Antique Harvesters

  6. Painted Head


  1. Break of Day in the Trenches

  2. Louse Hunting

  3. Dead Man's Dump

HUGH MacDIARMID (C. M. GRIEVE) (1892-1978)

  1. The Watergaw

  2. Crowdieknowe

  3. The Innumerable Christ

HUGH MacDIARMID (C. M. GRIEVE) (1892-1978)

  1. Parley of Beasts

  2. In the Children's Hospital

  3. Crystals Like Blood

  4. Bracken Hills in Autumn

ARCHIBALD MacLEISH (1892-1982)

  1. Ars Poetica

  2. You, Andrew Marvell

  3. Seafarer

  4. The Snowflake Which Is Now and Hence Forever

  5. Calypso's Island


  1. First Fig

  2. Second Fig

  3. Euclid Alone Has Looked on Beauty Bare

  4. Spring

  5. I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed

  6. I Dreamed I Moved among the Elysian Fields

  7. Oh, Sleep Forever in the Latmian Cave

  8. Above These Cares

  9. Ragged Island

WILFRED OWEN (1893-1918)

  1. Strange Meeting

  2. Anthem for Doomed Youth

  3. Dulce Et Decorum Est

  4. Futility

DOROTHY PARKER (1893-1967)

  1. Unfortunate Coincidence

  2. Résumé

  3. One Perfect Rose

E. E. CUMMINGS (1894-1962)

  1. All in green went my love riding

  2. in Just

  3. o sweet spontaneous

  4. the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls

  5. Spring is like a perhaps hand

  6. "next to of course god america i

  7. since feeling is first

  8. i sing of Olaf glad and big

  9. somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond

  10. r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r

  11. anyone lived in a pretty how town

  12. my father moved through dooms of love

  13. what if a much of a which of a wind

  14. l(a

JEAN TOOMER (1894-1967)

  1. Face

  2. Georgia Dusk

  3. Portrait in Georgia

  4. Harvest Song


  1. Lost Love

  2. The Cool Web

  3. Warning to Children

  4. Down, Wanton, Down!

  5. The Face in the Mirror

  6. The Frog and the Golden Ball

LOUISE BOGAN (1897-1970)

  1. Medusa

  2. Roman Fountain

  3. Song for the Last Act

HART CRANE (1899-1932)

  1. My Grandmother's Love Letters

  2. At Melville's Tomb

  3. Voyages

  4. The Bridge

  5. Proem: To Brooklyn Bridge

  6. Royal Palm

  7. The Air Plant

  8. The Broken Tower

  9. To Emily Dickinson


  1. Dust on Spring Street

ALLEN TATE (1899-1979)

  1. Ode to the Confederate Dead


  1. The Weary Blues

  1. The Negro Speaks of Rivers

  2. Harlem Sweeties

  3. Harlem

  4. Theme for English B

OGDEN NASH (1902-1972)

  1. The Cow

  2. Reflections on Ice-breaking

  3. Requiem

  4. Columbus

  5. The Turtle

  6. Arthur

STEVIE SMITH (1902-1971)

  1. No Categories!

  2. Mr. Over

  3. The Death Sentence

  4. Not Waving but Drowning

  5. The Celts

  6. Thoughts about the Person from Porlock

  7. Pretty

COUNTEE CULLEN (1903-1946)

  1. Heritage


  1. Bushed

  2. The Bear on the Delhi Road

  3. There Are Delicacies

C. DAY LEWIS (1904-1972)

  1. The Conflict

  2. Song ("Come, live with me and be my love")

  3. Sheepdog Trials in Hyde Park

  4. On Not Saying Everything


  1. The Groundhog

  2. The Fury of Aerial Bombardment


  1. Robert Whitmore

  2. Four Glimpses of Night

  3. Flowers of Darkness


  1. Iniskeen Road: July Evening

  2. Shancoduff

  3. Spraying the Potatoes


  1. Where the Slow Fig's Purple Sloth

  1. Treasure Hunt

  2. There's a Grandfather's Clock in the Hall

  3. Sila

  4. Dream, Dump-heap, and Civilization


  1. Death in Leamington

  2. The Arrest of Oscar Wilde at the Cadogan Hotel

  3. East Anglian Bathe

  4. False Security


  1. Legal Fiction

  2. Missing Dates

W. H. AUDEN (1907-1973)

  1. [For What as Easy]

  2. As I Walked Out One Evening

  3. Musée des Beaux Arts

  4. Law Like Love

  5. Our Bias

  6. At the Grave of Henry James

  7. In Praise of Limestone

  8. The Shield of Achilles

A. D. HOPE (1907- )

  1. Australia

  2. The Elegy

  3. Advice to Young Ladies

  4. Imperial Adam

LOUIS MacNEICE (1907-1963)

  1. The Sunlight on the Garden

  2. Bagpipe Music

  3. London Rain

  4. Soap Suds

  5. Star-gazer


  1. Open House

  2. Root Cellar

  3. My Papa's Waltz

  4. Big Wind

  5. A Light Breather

  6. Elegy for Jane

  7. The Waking

  8. The Dream

  9. I Knew a Woman

  10. The Far Field

  11. Wish for a Young Wife

  12. In a Dark Time

  13. The Reply

A. M. KLEIN (1909-1972)

  1. Indian Reservation: Caughnawaga

  2. The Rocking Chair


  1. I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great

  2. Not Palaces, an Era's Crown

  3. Seascape

CHARLES OLSON (1910-1970)

  1. Merce of Egypt

  2. Variations Done for Gerald Van De Wiele

  3. The Distances


  1. Large Bad Picture

  2. Jeronimo's House

  3. The Fish

  4. Letter to N.Y.

  5. At the Fishhouses

  6. Filling Station

  7. Squatter's Children

  8. The Armadillo

  9. Sestina


  1. Purchase of a Blue, Green, or Orange Ode

  1. Midweek

  2. Find

  3. Reason

  4. Student

  5. Moving In

  6. Memorial Day

ROY FULLER (1912- )

  1. The Green Hills of Africa

  2. Autobiography of a Lungworm


  1. In All These Acts

  2. The Poet Is Dead


  1. The Birth of Tragedy

  2. The Cold Green Element

  3. Berry Picking

  4. For My Brother Jesus

ROBERT HAYDEN (1913-1980)

  1. Those Winter Sundays

  2. Mourning Poem for the Queen of Sunday

  3. The Night-Blooming Cereus

  4. Paul Laurence Dunbar

JOHN BERRYMAN (1914-1972)

  1. The Ball Poem

  2. Sonnet 23 ("They may suppose, because I would not cloy your ear")

  3. The Dream Songs

  4. 1 ("Huffy Henry hid the day")

  5. 4 ("Filling her compact & delicious body")

  6. 29 ("There sat down, once, a thing on Henry's heart")

  7. 53 ("He lay in the middle of the world, and twitcht")

  8. 155 ("I can't get him out of my mind, out of my mind")

  9. An Elegy for W.C.W., The Lovely Man

  10. His Helplessness

  11. 382 ("At Henry's bier let some thing fall out well")


  1. The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner

  2. Eighth Air Force

  3. A Girl in a Library

  4. Next Day

  5. In Montecito

  6. Well Water

HENRY REED (1914- )

  1. Lessons of the War

  2. Naming of Parts

  3. Judging Distances

  4. Chard Whitlow


  1. For the Grave of Daniel Boone

  2. Traveling through the Dark

  3. At the Bomb Testing Site

  4. Bess

  5. Accountability

DYLAN THOMAS (1914-1953)

  1. The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower

  2. The Hand That Signed the Paper

  3. After the Funeral

  4. The Hunchback in the Park

  5. A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London

  6. The Conversation of Prayer

  7. Fern Hill

  8. In My Craft or Sullen Art

  9. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night


  1. kitchenette building

  2. my dreams, my works, must wait till after hell

  3. The Bean Eaters

  4. We Real Cool

  5. Medgar Evers

  6. Boy Breaking Glass

ROBERT LOWELL (1917-1977)

  1. The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket

  2. Mr. Edwards and the Spider

  3. After the Surprising Conversions

  4. My Last Afternoon with Uncle Devereux Winslow

  5. Home After Three Months Away

  6. Skunk Hour

  7. Water

  8. The Public Garden

  9. For the Union Dead

  10. 1930's

  11. The March 1

  12. The March 2

  13. Harriet

  14. This Golden Summer

  15. The Withdrawal

  16. Epilogue

P. K. PAGE (1917- )

  1. The Stenographers

  2. Stories of Snow

AL PURDY (1918- )

  1. Love at Roblin Lake

  2. Trees at the Arctic Circle

  3. Lament for the Dorsets

  4. Wilderness Gothic


  1. The Illiterate

  2. Rhode Island

  3. Accidents of Birth


  1. vegas

  2. the trash men

D. J. ENRIGHT (1920- )

  1. The Noodle-Vendor's Flute

  2. The Typewriter Revolution


  1. The Goose Fish

  2. The Blue Swallows

  3. Easter

  4. The Historical Judas


  1. First Snow in Alsace


  1. First Snow in Alsace

  2. Objects

  3. Praise in Summer

  4. The Pardon

  5. Museum Piece

  6. The Death of a Toad

  7. To an American Poet Just Dead

  8. Boy at the Window

  9. A Baroque Wall-Fountain in the Villa Sciarra

  10. Junk

  11. Playboy

  12. For K. R. on Her Sixtieth Birthday

  13. A Storm in April


  1. Wants

  2. Church Going

  3. Myxomatosis

  4. The Whitsun Weddings

  5. Talking in Bed

  6. Sad Steps


  1. The Lifeguard

  2. In the Tree House at Night

  3. At Darien Bridge

  4. In the Marble Quarry

  5. Buckdancer's Choice


  1. "More Light! More Light!"

  2. Sestina d'Inverno

  3. The Feast of Stephen

RICHARD HUGO (1923-1982)

  1. The Way a Ghost Dissolves

  2. The Lady in Kicking Horse Reservoir

  3. Degrees of Gray in Philipsburg

  4. White Center

  5. Salt Water Story


  1. Scenes from the Life of the Peppertrees

  2. The Dead Butterfly

  3. Triple Feature

  4. From the Roof

  5. The Victors

  6. O Taste and See

  7. The Closed World

  8. Tenebrae


  1. Freely Espousing


  1. Permanently

  2. You Were Wearing

  3. The Railway Stationery

  4. Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams

A. R. AMMONS (1926- )

  1. So I Said I Am Ezra

  2. Silver

  3. Corsons Inlet

  4. Kind

  5. Small Song

  6. Poetics

  7. The Put-Down Come On

  8. The City Limits

  9. The Arc Inside and Out

  10. Easter Morning

  11. Pet Panther

JAMES K. BAXTER (1926-1972)

  1. Wild Bees

  2. Lament for Barney Flanagan

  3. East Coast Journey

  4. New Zealand

  5. Jerusalem Sonnets
    - "The small gray cloudy louse that nests in my beard"

ROBERT BLY (1926- )

  1. Waking from Sleep

  2. Driving toward the Lac Qui Parle River

  3. Melancholia

  4. Driving through Minnesota during the Hanoi Bombings


  1. A Wicker Basket

  2. Ballad of the Despairing Husband

  3. Heroes

  4. Song ("What I took in my hand")

  5. The World


  1. Howl

  2. In the Baggage Room at Greyhound

  3. To Aunt Rose


  1. Upon a Second Marriage

  2. Willowware Cup

  3. The Victor Dog

  4. Whitebeard on Videotape

FRANK O'HARA (1926-1966)

  1. Music

  2. Poem ("I watched an armory combing its bronze bricks")

  3. The Day Lady Died

  4. How to Get There

  5. Ave Maria

W. D. SNODGRASS (1926- )

  1. April Inventory


  1. The Painter

  2. Faust

  3. Melodic Trains

  4. Paradoxes and Oxymorons

  5. Everyman's Library


  1. First Song

  2. Vapor Trail Reflected in the Frog Pond

  3. The Correspondence School Instructor Says Goodbye to His Poetry Students

W. S. MERWIN (1927- )

  1. The Drunk in the Furnace

  2. Odysseus

  3. Separation

JAMES WRIGHT (1927-1980)

  1. A Note Left in Jimmy Leonard's Shack

  2. Youth

  3. A Blessing

  4. To the Muse

  5. With the Shell of a Hermit Crab

  6. Discoveries in Arizona

THOM GUNN (1929- )

  1. On the Move

  2. Back to Life

  3. From the Wave

  4. The Rooftop

  5. Street Song

  6. Hampstead: the Horse Chestnut Trees


  1. Adam's Task

  2. Skeleton Key

  3. Swan and Shadow


  1. Aunt Jennifer's Tigers

  2. Living in Sin

  3. Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law

  4. Face to Face

  5. Orion

  6. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning

  7. Diving into the Wreck

  8. The Ninth Symphony of Beethoven Understood at Last as a Sexual Message

  9. Blood-Sister

  10. Toward the Solstice

  11. Transit


  1. Marriage

TED HUGHES (1930- )

  1. The Thought-Fox

  2. The Bull Moses

  3. November

  4. Song of a Rat

  5. A March Calf

  6. Deaf School

GARY SNYDER (1930- )

  1. Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout

  2. Above Pate Valley

  3. Myths and Texts: Burning

  4. "Sourdough mountain called a fire in"

  5. Four Poems for Robin

  6. The Wild Mushroom

  7. For the Children


  1. The Gulf

  2. For the Altarpiece of the Roseau Valley Church, Saint Lucia

  3. Europa

  4. The Season of Phantasmal Peace


  1. The Distant Fury of Battle

  2. The Guardians

  3. September Song

  4. Mercian Hymns
    - VI ("The princes of Mercia were badger and raven. Thrall")
    - VII ("Gasholders, russet among fields. Milldams, marlpools")
    - VIII ("The mad are predators. Too often lately they harbor")
    - X ("He adored the desk, its brown-oak inlaid with ebony")
    - XVI ("Clash of salutation. As keels thrust into shingle.")
    - XXVIII ("Processes of generation; deeds of settlement, The")
    - XXX ("And it seemed, while we waited, he began to walk")

  5. Lachrimae
    - 1. Lachrimae Verae

  6. An Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England
    - 1. The Laurel Axe

  7. Veni Coronaberis

SYLVIA PLATH (1932-1963)

  1. Black Rook in Rainy Weather

  1. Point Shirley

  2. The Colossus

  3. Sleep in the Mojave Desert

  4. Tulips

  5. The Babysitters

  6. Elm

  7. Daddy

  8. Ariel

  9. Lady Lazarus


  1. In Memory of Radio

  2. The New World

  3. It's Nation Time


  1. As the Mist Leaves No Scar

  2. For E.J.P.

  3. Suzanne Takes You Down

AUDRE LORDE (1934- )

  1. Coal

  2. From the House of Yemanja

  3. Recreation

  4. Hanging Fire


  1. The Source

  2. This Morning

  3. The Almond Tree


  1. I Am A Cowboy in The Boat of Ra

  2. beware do not read this poem


  1. Watch Repair

  2. The Garden of Earthly Delights

  3. The Partial Explanation

  4. Charon's Cosmology

  5. Unintelligible Terms


  1. This Is a Photograph of Me

  2. The Animals in That Country

  3. At the Tourist Center in Boston

  4. You Fit into Me

  5. They Eat Out

  6. Pig Song

  7. You Begin

  8. Spelling


  1. Mid-Term Break

  2. The Play Way

  3. Bogland

  4. The Tollund Man

  5. Punishment

  6. Sunlight

  7. The Strand at Lough Beg

  8. The Guttural Muse

  9. Glanmore Sonnets
    - 1 ("Vowels plowed into other: opened ground.")
    - 10 ("I dreamt we slept in a moss in Donegal")

ROBERT HASS (1941- )

  1. Meditation at Lagunitas


  1. Letters & Other Worlds

  2. Gold and Black

  3. Burning Hills

JAMES TATE (1943- )

  1. The Blue Booby

  2. The Lost Pilot


  1. For My Husband

  2. January

  3. Rescue


  1. Heron Weather

  2. Summer

CRAIG RAINE (1944- )

  1. The Onion, Memory

  2. A Martian Sends a Postcard Home

TOM WAYMAN (1945- )

  1. What Good Poems Are For


  1. Attack of the Crab Monsters

  2. This Day


  1. How to Write a Poem about the Sky

  2. In Cold Storm Light

  3. Prayer to the Pacific